John Bowe (ed): Gig: Americans Talk About Their Jobs
Gail Simone: Birds of Prey
Sarah Vowell: Take the Cannoli
Howard Zinn: People's History of the U.S.
In other life news, this week was slow and plodding. I'm superbehind on my coverage, and tomorrow's going to kick my ass in more ways than one, as I'm getting up too-damn-early to help a friend with a thing.
But last night, I had this truly fantastic conversation with my roommate, running the gamut from 9/11 to Shakespeare to original sin (#6 on the list of Things About Christianity I Just Don't Get).
And I did some writing on three different things, and another thing I wrote got accepted to Fray, which is cool beyond the telling of it.
Last weekend was this bland oasis of boring. This weekend is Action-Packed! and Fun-Filled!
Hopefully, it won't kill me in the process of the fun.