John Bowe (ed): Gig: Americans Talk About Their Jobs
Gail Simone: Birds of Prey
Sarah Vowell: Take the Cannoli
Howard Zinn: People's History of the U.S.
So the past week had its crazy moments, and then its quiet moments. And then the crazy again. The weekend was more social than most -- left the apartment all three days, seeing people and doing things.
AIDS Walk was exhilerating and exhausting. Mostly exhausting. But totally worth it. Just me, a new-ish pair of sneakers, five bottles of water, and my digital camera. Not to mention some good friends. And now we all know that the answer to the question, "Can Liz walk 6.2 miles?" is "HELL YES." A load off your minds, I'm sure.
The photos I took aren't great in terms of quality -- had to do more futzing than usual to get those salvagable looking decent -- but it was a fun way to capture the experience. Enjoy my crazy captions here:
And in case you haven't noticed yet, I made a minor change to the site, adding room for a Photos page -- which gives me an incentive to take more pictures and put more of them online. Because it's fun. And because I think some of you enjoy them. Which is great. Let me know if you catch any problems or screw-ups -- I think I've found most of the bugs, but there's always something.
So this was my evening. Downloading pictures from the camera, uploading them to the website. Listening to Massive Attack, chatting with a friend, drinking water and digesting a tasty dinner. Tomorrow, I'm going to the gym, followed by screenplay writing. Wednesday, there might be sushi or Runaway Jury.
And right now? There is sleep. Sweet, sweet sleep.