John Bowe (ed): Gig: Americans Talk About Their Jobs
Gail Simone: Birds of Prey
Sarah Vowell: Take the Cannoli
Howard Zinn: People's History of the U.S.
Reference to last night's Angel, but nothing too spoilerish
Last night, Das Roomie and I were watching the new episode, and as I TiVoed through the first commercial break we started laughing about the question that plagued Angel and Spike: If an astronaut and a caveman got into a fight, who would win?
"Man, that's just ridiculous," I choked out.
"It's totally impossible. And the caveman's clearly got the advantage," she replied.
"What are you talking about? Astronauts are in super shape-"
"-sure, in no gravity-"
"-no, they have to run laps and stuff and lift weights before they go into space -- didn't you ever see Space Cowboys?"
"It doesn't matter, because the astronaut's going to get out of his spaceship and be all disoriented, and that's when the caveman's going to make his move."
"You don't think the caveman's gonna be a bit disoriented himself at seeing an astronaut coming out of a spaceship? It totally cancels out. Besides, cavemen are totally pack animals -- a solo caveman's gonna be all weirded out and such. Astronauts are prepared to survive by themselves for months at a time in space-"
"-sure, in SPACE-"
"-it's all about MENTAL preparation, MENTAL-"
"Meanwhile, the caveman's beating the astronaut's brains out with a rock..."
And so on, laughing the entire time.
You tell me, folks. Astronauts versus cavemen. Smart money's on astronauts -- right?