John Bowe (ed): Gig: Americans Talk About Their Jobs
Gail Simone: Birds of Prey
Sarah Vowell: Take the Cannoli
Howard Zinn: People's History of the U.S.
In which our protagonist apologizes for extreme lameness
So here is what I have learned about myself. I have learned that yes, it is possible for me to spend an entire week surviving on five hours of sleep a night and five diet Cokes a day. It is possible for me to stay up and work my ass off on various projects until I go blind and teary with exhaustion. It is possible for me to follow up a week like that with a weekend of intensive nerding out at Comic-Con, also denoted by very little sleep and lots of driving and walking and yet more driving.
It is possible for me to do these things.
But I'll be a zombie for the week following. Don't believe me? Scroll down, kiddos. See what two weeks ago did to my blogging output last week -- which is usually an accurate measure for the amount of writing I'm doing offline.
Seriously. I felt frayed. I still do, to some extent. Gettin' old before my time. Or just in time, in fact.
Stupid biology.
Did I do anything last week? I went to the gym. I fell asleep watching TV. I started knitting again, as my fingers are eager to finish up my current project so that I can play with the soft pretty yarn my mom sent me. I bought a Batman tank top. I emailed people. I very slowly started to work on my Bookslut Comic-Con write-up... Everything went slow.
I did watch some of the DNC coverage. I'm a Barack Obama fangirl now. I'd been one for a while, actually, after hearing him talk eloquently and sincerely about the Jack Ryan scandal, but now -- oh baby. What a marvelous speech. What a marvelous man.