Friday, November 12, 2004
Link catch-upI'm running a little low on original content today, but we'll see what we can pull from other sites...The new Bookslut went up the other day, and I was surprised by how much I enjoyed Gena Anderson's interview with Jennifer Weiner -- mainly because I HATED Good in Bed. But it sounds like I'd like Jennifer Weiner a lot more than her books. In the stuff-I-wrote department, feel free to enjoy the 2005 Holiday Movie Guide and this here review of In the Shadow of No Towers by Art Spiegelman. Feeling all intellectual, now? There's an antidote for that!Also, my friends? Obsessed with bathrooms. I pretty much totally agree with Pop Culture Petri Dish when it comes to the Saving Private Ryan airing kerfuffle. And I, too, hate the company that puts me in.Maybe I'll have more later. But for right now, this is what I got. Comment | permalink
Link catch-upI'm running a little low on original content today, but we'll see what we can pull from other sites...The new Bookslut went up the other day, and I was surprised by how much I enjoyed Gena Anderson's interview with Jennifer Weiner -- mainly because I HATED Good in Bed. But it sounds like I'd like Jennifer Weiner a lot more than her books. In the stuff-I-wrote department, feel free to enjoy the 2005 Holiday Movie Guide and this here review of In the Shadow of No Towers by Art Spiegelman. Feeling all intellectual, now? There's an antidote for that!Also, my friends? Obsessed with bathrooms. I pretty much totally agree with Pop Culture Petri Dish when it comes to the Saving Private Ryan airing kerfuffle. And I, too, hate the company that puts me in.Maybe I'll have more later. But for right now, this is what I got.
I'm running a little low on original content today, but we'll see what we can pull from other sites...The new Bookslut went up the other day, and I was surprised by how much I enjoyed Gena Anderson's interview with Jennifer Weiner -- mainly because I HATED Good in Bed. But it sounds like I'd like Jennifer Weiner a lot more than her books. In the stuff-I-wrote department, feel free to enjoy the 2005 Holiday Movie Guide and this here review of In the Shadow of No Towers by Art Spiegelman. Feeling all intellectual, now? There's an antidote for that!Also, my friends? Obsessed with bathrooms. I pretty much totally agree with Pop Culture Petri Dish when it comes to the Saving Private Ryan airing kerfuffle. And I, too, hate the company that puts me in.Maybe I'll have more later. But for right now, this is what I got.
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