John Bowe (ed): Gig: Americans Talk About Their Jobs
Gail Simone: Birds of Prey
Sarah Vowell: Take the Cannoli
Howard Zinn: People's History of the U.S.
I finally figured out how to write a second draft of a screenplay last night. I mean, I understand the broad strokes of revision. But the mechanics of such a thing are strange and foreign to me, as I haven't written a hardcore second draft since my senior year, when my thesis advisor guided me through the motions like Rhett Butler teaching Bonnie Blue how to jump. I was pretty pleased with that second draft, I have to say, but now Thesis Dude is teaching other brats and we all remember what happened to Bonnie Blue when she tried to jump sidesaddle on her own.*
*If you don't know what happened to Bonnie Blue when she tried to jump sidesaddle on her own, the answer: nothing good.
Editing a 105-page document can be extremely daunting, is the thing, and it was a hurdle I wasn't sure I could overcome, especially given the large nature of the changes I want to make. However, last night I started copying a scene at a time into a new document, rewriting it as I did so, before moving onto the next. And that worked out pretty well.
So I'm gonna try to do another ten or fifteen pages today, before leaving this place. And then Lost, Alias, some Stitch n' Bitch reading (want a new project to try on the weekend) and a nice long run. Stupid ice cream.
The Samoan word for "Cheers!" is "manuia." Pronounced "man-ew-year."