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Sunday, March 13, 2005

So I just posted the below to Neil Gaiman's FAQ line, but in case he doesn't post it I thought it'd be good to have around for posterity.

So I know that you're very busy, Neil, but I thought you should know that you almost won an Eppie last night at Epic-con, an e-book convention with a full-on, Oscar-esque award ceremony. I was there because my mom was nominated for an award as well (and I'd always wanted to see the Queen Mary in Long Beach, CA), but it was exciting to see two names I knew among the nominees.

You should know that you missed a nice night -- the fish was a little dry and the apple-raspberry tart was of questionable character, but the potatoes au gratin were of a perfect consistency and I heard marvelous things about the prime rib. Plus, the magic tricks performed by our eager MC very nearly worked, and on the back wall of the ceremony hall, a giant mural depicted two unicorns in battle. The mural was in fact entited "Unicorns in Battle." I got my picture taken with it.

The anthology you were nominated for, FANTASY READERS WANTED -- APPLY WITHIN, was my pick to win, but it was up against an anthology edited by one of the conference organizers and featuring a contribution from the MC. Scandal! The winners got shiny medals. I'm sure they would have looked lovely next to your Hugo.

My mom also didn't win her award, which was pretty sad. But at least I was able to tell her, "Well, Mom, even Neil Gaiman doesn't win them all."

And so hey, Neil Gaiman? Don't feel bad. Even my mom doesn't win them all.

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